so this week i saw something on television that sort of just peeked my interest. i saw a large number of commercials for different medications and the thing that seemed to catch my attention the most was the phrase "the most doctor recommended medication" and so i decided this would be fun to poke at a bit for twenty minutes. the thing was that all of these commercial seemed to run the same sort of routine. they would give their product say it was the most recommended, tell you to ask your doctor about them and then give you a long list about the many worse things that might happen from you taking their product. i don't know if this thought ran passed anybody else but maybe just maybe these companies could have become the most recommended because after somebody sees the commercial they ask their doctor for it not because it's the best thing out there but because it's the first thing they see. when you see the phrase doctor recommended the natural assumption seems to be it must be safe or it must be really helpful because doctor's are professionals, but no offense not every person that dons some scrubs is cut out to be a doctor. basically what i'm trying to get across is that if your going to put your faith in these products that you don't really know anything about except for what your physician tells you research them yourself and ask more than one doctor a second opinion never hurt anybody.
comment below if you agree /disagree i wanna know
I think this is a pretty cool topic for a blog post. It's funny how companies can twist something general around to make it seem like everyone wants their product. I agree with you on how people, out of curiousity, are asking their doctors about these products, but I also think the companies have something to do with it as well. I think the advertisements are catchy and intriguing, which is partly the reason why people will buy these products on their own as well. I know I've done it before.
ReplyDeleteI always find those commercials amusing. My roomate and I spent like 2 hours one afternoon competeing to find the medicine with the worst side affects. People do tend to just listen to doctors without realizing they are failable too.