Thursday, February 2, 2012
Well, so after much thought for a second i couldn't really think about what i wanted to discuss but after some time i decided to talk about the rhetoric of the oxygen safety mask. if your confused i will explain if you've ever been on a plane then you have probably seen the caution sign's on it that tell you what to do in case of a plane crash such as the one to the right of this post. As you can possibly tell there is something off putting about this photo ,yes the woman in this photo is way too calm and organized. I don't know about you but in a world where people get trampled and riots break out during black friday for 20% off at a Walmart, can someone really slowly fasten an oxygen mask to themselves and their child while not goin completely off their rocker in a plane diving towards the earth. Basically what i'm saying is the istructions give the illusion that what's happening isn't a crisis in an attempt to calm passengers down and give a sense of normalcy and relief to an otherwise bleak situation but that in my opinion is certainly not the case.

leave a comment on what you think below.


  1. This was absolutley halarious and true. Every time I see these pamphlets these people look way to relaxed!! If they wanted to show reality they would probly show some sort of crazy flame strewn panic!! however your right rhetoriclly they did do a nice job. Though it looks ridiculous, it probly helps to stop the panic. and were i to see the truth I probably would never fly again.

  2. Hahaha! I think this is really funny, and a really good point. I have thought the same thing before, I feel like it would never be able to be done that calmly, especially with the turbulence of the place. I mean, I'm sure they do the best that they can, but still.
