Friday, March 30, 2012

refreshing isn't it
for my whole life everybody around me has been saying drink water it's good for you it revitalizes you but honestly i hated drinking it because the taste was awful i for a long time i couldn't figure out why so i did a little bit of research and i think it worked out nicely. because when shopping for water i didn't know the difference.

well first of all there are many different forms of bottled water and they may all qualify as H2O, but they are not all suitable for the same purposes. now while i thought that i didn't matter whether you use distilled or spring water for what ever purpose because it seemed the same to me it turned out i was abit wrong, now granted i am not an idiot i'm not gonna drink sea water if somebody was thinking that.

 now while, Spring water is generally used for re-hydration, cooking, and beverage making ,and while it may be more expensive than other forms of bottled water the taste of natural spring water is said to be superior to standard tap or drinking water,it may be distilled water enhanced with minerals. Spring water is rarely used in household applications such as steaming or sanitizing because the natural minerals are not removed during the bottling process.

Distilled water however is ideal for steam irons and cleaners because it does not have the minerals and metals which cause rust or clogging. Some people also prefer to wash clothes in distilled water because it is considered purer than tap water or even spring water.

just a lil something to help

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1 comment:

  1. this is really interesting! i had absolutely no idea that there was such an important difference between the two types. who would have thought that differences in water can impact substances in such different ways
