Friday, March 30, 2012

refreshing isn't it
for my whole life everybody around me has been saying drink water it's good for you it revitalizes you but honestly i hated drinking it because the taste was awful i for a long time i couldn't figure out why so i did a little bit of research and i think it worked out nicely. because when shopping for water i didn't know the difference.

well first of all there are many different forms of bottled water and they may all qualify as H2O, but they are not all suitable for the same purposes. now while i thought that i didn't matter whether you use distilled or spring water for what ever purpose because it seemed the same to me it turned out i was abit wrong, now granted i am not an idiot i'm not gonna drink sea water if somebody was thinking that.

 now while, Spring water is generally used for re-hydration, cooking, and beverage making ,and while it may be more expensive than other forms of bottled water the taste of natural spring water is said to be superior to standard tap or drinking water,it may be distilled water enhanced with minerals. Spring water is rarely used in household applications such as steaming or sanitizing because the natural minerals are not removed during the bottling process.

Distilled water however is ideal for steam irons and cleaners because it does not have the minerals and metals which cause rust or clogging. Some people also prefer to wash clothes in distilled water because it is considered purer than tap water or even spring water.

just a lil something to help

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Friday, March 23, 2012

With elections coming closer and closer i thought that this would be fun to discuss for this week's post. In 2004 Citizen Change, a political service group, founded by music mogul P. Diddy (puff daddy, puff, swag, diddy), and backed by Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey and 50 Cent. The aim of the group was to get a younger generation of people to vote. I won’t get into too much detail with the group because the thing I want to focus on right now is the logo on the campaign shirts. The shirt reads the words “vote or die” those words on their own are very powerful , it gives this immediate sense of urgency towards voting  in just three words. The shirt highlights the word or and the exclammation point in red making it more dramatic, almost to stress that vote or die could become a legimate choice in the future.
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Friday, March 16, 2012

In a world where horrible movies run rampant one hero can make them sound great it's (insert b-list actor) in the voice over artist. i know it is a bit cliche but it is very much true that a good voice over can make a movie trailer sound way better than it actually is. i know i've walked into a movie or two that i thought would be great because of the trailer and it turned out to be horrible. There have been studies in relation to speech tone and memory where certain voice types last longer in memory than others films take advantage of these voice's so that audiences will remember their trailers longer than others. A good voice over with the right music can make the thought of the movie stay with you for days like one really annoying song. Sound can trigger certain emotions also so with the right voice over artist feelings of excitement, joy, sadness,fear,etc. can be created depending on what genre of movie the emotion suits best. in fact being a voice over artist is a hard profession because even though there are hundred to thousands of people who get into it only- about 5 people are making serious amounts of money from it

below is a few examples of movie trailer voiceovers

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

i never thought i would see one of these posters, because for a while i really forgot about this game but after seeing it again i just have to talk about it. Just on the record Grand Theft Auto is one of the greatest series of video games and i don't think anyone would disagree with me on that.Especially to anyone who as a kid shared my hatred for the notorious rating laws .while looking at this poster i did realize a bit of rhetoric being uesd however and what i'm referring to is obviously the characters.the poster has basically every steryotype criminal known to man you have your classic mobsters, gangsters, yakuza, goons, psycopaths, junkies, hookers, every single cliche bad guy you can think of and they are all staring at you. Trying to give this feeling of danger and intimidation. Which in my opinion is basically taunting you to buy this game, and as a kid i can say i got it! with some older help of course. in small white letter's that draw the the eyes attention the word's " A Mafioso Masterpiece" are written and it gives the idea that the game is close to perfection again making kids who aren't allowed it want it even more.basically what i'm saying is the concept of violence in video games makes them more wanted and GTA does a great job throwing it out there without really  giving all of it away.