Thursday, January 26, 2012

Okay so after spending a few days thinking about what I wanted to cover this week I decided to talk about a certain rhetoric used for advertising, specifically the use of the word organic to describe foods. Now most people have heard the notions that if your food is organically grown that it means that it must be healthier than other foods, but that is not necessarily true. The definition of organic actually means that it is a compound that contains carbon and is ultimately of biological origin so basically if it grows out of the ground it can be considered an organic substance. People who produce crops and make less than $5000 a year off of the sales of these substances are allowed to refer to them as organic without being certified, they just are not allowed to say that it is certified. And at that substance doesn't have to be completely hundred percent organic just 95% so 5% of that can still be certain types of pesticides. While it is true that organic foods do have less pesticides then most other grown foods claims that it will reduce certain health risks are debatable and have not been scientifically proven. Basically what I'm saying is that before you spend all your extra money on certain “organically grown materials” you might want to check your local supermarket for something just as good for a cheaper price, but if you feel like splurging go ahead who am I to stop you.

Feel free to comment I want hear what you think

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Hello and welcome to my rhetoric and civic life blog this is my first post and I am very excited to get things started. For my first post I decided to explore the rhetoric used to predict fortunes in astrology. In these statements a person’s good or bad fortune is predicted by the month in which they were born. The fortunes in my opinion are very generalized and not specific to certain type of person or gender which makes them easier to pin to different amounts of people. The typical fortune is something like    ”an encounter with someone from your past will bring you new experiences” now because it is so simple and generalized it can apply to just about anyone whether it be a person from a distant past or someone you met yesterday at a bus stop. Although sometimes just as these can match what happens to someone during the day foretold it can also miss the mark entirely and then the concept of astrology and the belief in it becomes someone’s opinion.  As astrology is labeled as a pseudo-science it is mostly met with the phrase” I just did it for fun” by most people who use it and are skeptical about it.
Ok well that’s all I really wanted to say leave a comment if you have questions or wish to discuss anything.